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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • Added and exported three reusable utility functions: pollTillDefined, rejectIfTimeout and rejectIfConditionAtInterval which are useful when dealing with promises that involves polling, rejecting after timeout or rejecting if a condition was met when calling repeatably at every time intervals.



  • Export a new function uuidV4 that generates a random v4 Uuid (#5373).
  • Enable passing a starting number, to increment based on it, for the Json Rpc Request id (#5652).
  • Export a new function isPromise that checks if an object is a promise (#5652).


  • Use Uuid for the response id, to fix the issue "Responses get mixed up due to conflicting payload IDs" (#5373).



  • Updated dependencies (#5725)



  • tsc compiled files moved to lib/ directory from dist/ (#5739)
  • Add SocketProvider class and Eip1193Provider abstract class (#5683)



  • web3.js dependencies (#5757)



  • Moved TypedArray to web3-types (was also duplicated at web3-validator) (#5771)
  • Removed support of genesis tag in compareBlockNumbers function (#5823)


  • Added support of safe and finalized block tags (#5823)


  • compareBlockNumbers function now only supports comparison of both blocktags params ( except earliest vs number) or both block number params (#5842)
  • SocketProvider abstract class now resolves JSON RPC response errors instead of rejecting them (#5844)
  • Exposes the getter of SocketConnection in SocketProvider (#5891)



  • Added source files (#5956)
  • Added hybrid build (ESM and CJS) of library (#5904)


  • The types FMT_NUMBER, NumberTypes, FMT_BYTES, ByteTypes, DataFormat, DEFAULT_RETURN_FORMAT, ETH_DATA_FORMAT and FormatType moved to web3-types. (#5993)


  • Removed dependencies @ethereumjs/tx, @ethereumjs/common (#5963)



  • Optional hexstrict parameter added to numberToHex (#6004)


  • Replaced Buffer for Uint8Array (#6004)
  • The methods hexToBytes, randomBytes does not return type Buffer but type Uint8Array (#6004)
  • The methods sha3 and keccak256Wrapper does not accept type Buffer but type Uint8Array (#6004)
  • The method bytesToBuffer has been removed for the usage of bytesToUint8Array (#6004)


Release Notes:

Detailed List of change logs are mentioned under previous 4.x alpha and RC releases.

Documentation: Web3.js documentation Web3 API Migration Guide from 1.x



  • BigInts pass validation within the method numberToHex (#6206)